The students of Dunaway String Studio will be presenting an End of Year Concert on Sunday, November 28 at 2:00pm. This charitable concert will be held in the St. Joseph’s Villa Monastery at the Oxford Park Retirement Community for the residents of the retirement home as well as the community. Students will give individual performances, and the Suzuki Group Classes will perform some nice holiday music as well as a few of the Suzuki pieces we all love.
Please come and celebrate the many achievements these young talented kids have made this year at the stunning St. Joseph’s Villa Monastary, which is central to the retirement home. Please enter through far right front doors. Everyone is invited – friends, family, and fellow musicians – so please forward the invitation.
What: A charitable violin & viola concert
Who: Students of Dunaway String Studio
When: Saturday, November 28 from 2:00 – 3:00pm (followed by afternoon tea)
Where: St. Joseph’s Villa Monastery, 46 Church Road, Mitchelton
Map: http://bit.ly/f7kl8z