I am very proud to highlight my fabulous student, Sophia Beh as she has had a year of great musical success. Her most recent accomplishment is successfully auditioning into the Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra! Sophia, at age 10, will be one of the youngest members of the QYO3 orchestra (I read in the audition materials that the age range for QYO3 is 12 – 19 years old). Furthermore, she was placed in the first violin section, 5th chair! The audition process entailed playing one major and one melodic minor scales in three octaves, playing a prepared piece, and playing several sight-reading excerpts that applicants received before the audition. There are two panelists (comprised of teachers and Queensland Symphony Orchestra members) who judge applicants on the following criteria: intonation, rhythm, dynamics, tone production, musical style and attention to directions of the music, staccato & sautille bowings. That is one tall order to fill for a young musician! Congratulations, Sophia!
Sophia started the violin at age 5. She has attended several different Suzuki workshops throughout the years, and last year she was selected to play in the prestigious Twilight Concert at Brisbane Suzuki Winter School, which highlighted the most polished players at the workshop. Sophia’s first ensemble experience was participating in Suzuki group classes shortly after she started learning the violin, and she continues to attend my group classes. Sophia was first exposed to playing in an orchestra last year when she joined the Western Suburbs String Orchestra. Having grown and thrived throughout that experience, she was inspired to audition for the Queensland Youth Orchestra, which starts its 2012 season at the beginning of the school year.
Sophia is truly a multi-talented kid. She started piano at age seven and has made astonishing progress. Just last year she passed her AMEB Grade 4 piano exam. Besides music, Sophia enjoys cooking, reading, playing with her friends, and playing soccer. She likes attending Pine Community School, where she just completed Grade 5.
At my end of year concert this past December, Sophia gave a brilliant performance of La Folia by Corelli (who happens to be one of her favourite composers). I hope you enjoy this video of her beautiful playing!