UPDATE (6/4/12): The “Morris Minors” made it into the Grand Final of the Musical Youth Busking Competition! Please go support them on Sunday, April 15 at 10am, Forest Lake Shopping Centre (Cnr Grand & Forrest Lake Blvd.) All finalists in the competition be judged by a panel of 3 judges together with public voting using a box provided at the site. Winners will be announced at 2pm on April 15.
My three students, Agnes, Cecilia and Philomena Morris, entered a Musical Youth Busking Competition that was sponsored by Forest Lake Shopping Centre. They were one of 39 entries, and they performed Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in A Minor, 1st Movement. The Morris girls had a really positive response from judges and audience members alike. The applicants who get the highest judges score (50%) plus the most “likes” on their Facebook competition site (50%) will be chosen to play in the grand final on Sunday, April 15th. Please “vote” for these talented young girls by clicking on this link and clicking the “like” icon! Voting closes on Tuesday, March 27th!
The Morris family just moved here to Australia from South Africa. Seven of the eight children all took Suzuki violin lessons in South Africa, which has made their transition into my Suzuki studio pretty smooth. The three eldest kids, Philomena (13), Agnes (12), and Cecilia (10), who entered the busking competition, are all now finishing Suzuki Book 4. They are all very dedicated at practising regularly, playing together, and helping each other learn the violin.
I hope you enjoy this impromptu video I took of them playing Vivaldi at my house during their violin lesson. Congratulations on entering the competition, girls, and good luck in making it into the grand final!